Education for Employees

Education for employees

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Education for employees

Many companies want to go above and beyond to offer resources for their employees. For workers that are also parents, we would love the opportunity to come in and offer guidance for them as they begin thinking about the children's future!

Sharing our process

We’ve been able to assist families from a wide variety of backgrounds.
We look forward to sharing our process with all workforces so working moms and dads are properly equipped to make college as affordable as possible.

Q&A session

Every family we meet is unique in what they know, what they don't know, and the challenges that lie ahead for them. We look forward to answering any questions they may have so when we conclude, every person walks out feeling confident in what they need to do moving forward.


Many companies offer benefits such as Insurance, 401k, and Vacation. If you'd like to add One-On-One College Guidance for families, we offer package deals to provide personalized help at a reasonable price.

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Education for Employess

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