Education For Counselors

Education For Counselors

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Education for Counselors

Enrollment numbers at High Schools have never been higher. Counselors have more and more on their plate every year, so it’s important that they have the best resources possible to help them be time-efficient with their guidance!

Q&A Session

Like our students, we realize each school has its own culture. Every staff has its own set of unique challenges and we look forward to working with counselors to address their specific needs.

Sharing Our Process

We’ve been able to assist families with a wide variety of backgrounds. 
We look forward to sharing our process with counselors. This will help them guide their students most efficiently!


Whether it’s bringing our seminar to the school or providing educational resources to help their students, we’re excited to get more involved with high schools! We look forward to joining them in the quest to help students become more engaged and less stressed with their college search!

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